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Meditation as Therapy

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." 


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Why Meditation?

Meditation is a body-centered therapeutic approach that encourages reconnection with your physical self, fostering healing and transformation. If you've tried talk therapy before but felt something was lacking, it might be because the bodily aspect of healing was overlooked. Meditation and mindfulness allow you to move beyond just mental processes, helping you heal emotionally on a deeper level and gain more peace, presence, and control.

Often times people find it really hard to make time for meditation, and even when they do, they often feel like they aren't good at it. Incorporating meditation into therapy not only helps you prioritise this valuable skill but also provides you a safe and supportive environment to better understand and process your experience. 

What are the Benefits?

Many people grow up without learning the importance of connecting with their inner selves and understanding their internal experiences. As a result, they may gradually become disconnected from their feelings, emotions, and physical sensations—essential tools for navigating daily life.

Meditation helps restore this connection by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting essential rest and relaxation for the body. 


Here are just a few of the incredible benefits of meditation:

💭  Increased clarity 

🙏🏽  Increased feelings of peace 

😴  Improved sleep 

😁  Enhanced feelings of contentment, joy & excitement

🔥   Increased motivation & focus

😎  Improved confidence & self esteem

⚖️  Enhanced balance 

 🗣  Improved communication

🌈  Enhanced mental, physical, emotional &  spiritual well-being 


Who is it for?

Meditation therapy is for anyone! 


In particular, it may be useful for those who have not had success with talk-based therapy. As a body-approach that works with activating the parasympathetic nervous system, it can also be incredibly beneficial for individuals who are struggling with anxiety, depression, sleep or trauma. 

What Can I Expect? 

Meditation therapy shares many similarities with traditional therapy, but it incorporates guided meditation and mindfulness techniques to deepen the therapeutic process. Since meditation therapy takes a holistic approach, this means that the process is highly adaptable and responsive to your needs in the moment. Whether you're dealing with stress, anxiety, trauma, or personal growth challenges, meditation therapy allows for a flexible, moment-to-moment response, helping you engage with what arises in a safe and compassionate space

If you are doing your sessions online, it is recommended that you have some place private and comfortable where you can either sit or lie down for a duration of the session without being disturbed.


Does this resonate?

•    Do you feel like you're always in a rush or like you're always thinking about how much time you have?

•    Do you ever think that if you can just quickly answer some emails, reply to a message, or lock in that plan that you will finally feel better?

•    Do you get frustrated easily or tend to feel like people are purposely making your life more difficult?

•    Do you keep waiting to have time to yourself but realise that it always disappears among the endless responsibilities or social events that keep cropping up?

•    Does it ever feel like you’re constantly just trying to stay afloat every day instead of actually ever getting to just float? 

•    Do you have a sense that you're capable of doing so much more or worry that your potential is going to waste?

•    Do you tend to deal with everything on your own or struggle to trust others? 

•    Do you have difficulty communicating how you are feeling?

•    Do you go through cycles of feeling wired or extremely tired?

If you said YES to any of the above, meditation therapy could be a really great option. Book a session now using the calendar below. 

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